Terrific Pig Pageant

Vivian Kirkfield’s -The #50PreciousWords Writing Contest
March 2 – 6
Kidlit writing contest – 50 words or less in honor of the incredible Theodore Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss.

The photo is of a real event—Pig Pageant Austin. It was put on in February to raise funds for an onsite medical clinic for Central Texas Pig Rescue. They wanted to raise $20,000 during the 3 hour pageant. They fell short at only $4,000. There’s still time to help them if you’re a pig fan.

And now…my entry at 48 words:


“French manicure. Purple, please,” snorted Pignelope.
“Oui,” clucked Becky.
Peck, peck, peck,
Pignelope…stand still!
feathers flew
straw dust too
“C’est la vie, Pignelope.
What will you do?”

Stand tall. Head high.
Attitude. Strut.

“The winner…Pignelope!
wearing purple feathers with a touch of straw-dust
—how chic and European.”

Oh, Fudge!

Written for Susanna Leonard Hill’s 7th Annual Halloweensie Contest for children’s writers.
Must be a story 100 words or less, using the words monster, candy corn, and shadow within the tale.
Enjoy a bit of fudge for Halloween!

Continue reading “Oh, Fudge!”

School Mornins’ With Sam

“Cents the sky ain’t fallin’ and the crek ain’t risin’ git up and git goin’. Ya won’t ‘mont to a hill of beans if ya don’t gitta move own. That’s all I gotta to say ’bout it.”

“Oh, mom, I’m only eight…and why are you talking like that?”

“Son, lessons learned when you are young will remain with you throughout your life. Listen to the wisdom of your elders and you will become wise among your peers.”

“Gee, dad, not you too? What’s going on around here?  I’m going to school. You guys are acting toooooo weird.”

Sam’s parents high-fived out in the hallway.

“Yes!” they whispered in triumph!

It was a short lived victory…


after all

was another

school day.